TAKARO GLORY information
All you need to know about TAKARO GLORY
When do we train/play?
TAKARO GLORY has whole team training at Takaro Park on Tuesday evenings.
The team plays on Saturday afternoons.
Who trains the team?
A volunteer coach trains our Takaro Glory under the responsibility of our Senior Club Captain. At this level, these are often player/coaches. Some coaches have vast experience and some are relatively new to coaching.
A coaching evening will be held to up-skill all Senior coaches.
How does it work?
The coach is responsible for management of all team activities. Some Senior teams may utilise a secondary person to handle the administration/management of the team.
Each coach will be supplied with resources to help develop players’ skills and supplement their own resources.
Supporters are encouraged to support the players in a positive, respectful manner.
How to be an effective Coach
It is important to identify the level of players and what their coaching needs are. Players need to enjoy the experience if they are to stay involved with the game. For coaches, this means having a good understanding of the needs of their players and how best to develop them.
Want to learn more about coaching?
NZ Football’s website – www.nzfootball.co.nz